February 12, 2008

Flowering Cherry

Every year I look forward to my Taiwan Cherry putting on a show and brightening the landscape. I have had this tree in the ground for about five years and it really attracts a lot of attention.

Taiwan Cherry (Prunus campanulata) is the best pink flowering cherry for north Florida. Native
to southern China, Taiwan Cherry grows as a slender tree up to 25 feet tall. It produces bright pink flowers in late winter. Flowers can be showy for three weeks if freezes don't damage them.

February 6, 2008

Passalong Bromeliads

Bromeliads make great landscape plants because they offer bold foliage and hot colors, and are easy to take care of. They can be a bit sensitive to cold, though, so be sure to cover them if cold temperatures are in the forecast.

A little while ago, I did some routine maintenance in my yard and removed some of the extra bromeliad pups that had popped up. The Bromeliad Society International offers tips on how to separate pups from parents.

It's normal for bromeliads to produce youngsters at the base of the mother plants, and they make great passalong plants.

I took the extra pups to the office and shared them with the gals that I work with. The picture on the right is one that Kim took of the bromeliads she transplanted into her yard. She tells me that she's now caught the bromeliad bug and can't wait to plant more!